[Every year we do a client survey – one of those jobs it’s easy to put on the back burner or forget about. To put it simply – make sure you don’t!
We get client feedback all the time – whether that is anecdotal whilst ‘on the job’, more formally in client review meetings, or a quick mention on social media. It’s all important, and all welcome – good or bad (though I’m pleased to say we get a lot more of the good).
Feedback, research, insight. Call it what you will, it is hugely valuable. In today’s always on, permanently plugged in social media world, there is no shortage of feedback, and there can be a danger we close our ears and switch off.
Anyway, back to the DTW survey. It sounds a bit like we’re blowing our own trumpet (we are!). In addition to the questions, we also asked our clients to sum us up in three words – so here’s what they said.

If you are one of the clients who responded then huge thanks – it’s because of you that we are able to do the work that we love.
If you’re reading this and would like some PR and marketing support then just give us a call on 01287 610 404 or email me at chris@dtw.co.uk and we can have a chat about how we can help you.
Thanks for reading