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US Airways twitter post apologising for inappropriate image

US Airways Twitter aflutter!

US Airways have joined the long and growing list of organizations that have had some explaining to do after an inappropriate tweet or post appears on their account. You can find the story details here but needless to say the story focus quickly moves on from the original error to the response. Once that hacking has been eliminated the company has to face up to the fact that it was an inside job and look at securing the damage as soon as possible. This can involve locking the account, changing the password and making sure that only trusted sources have access in

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Mobile phone showing the LinkedIn homepage

LinkedIn says Goodbye to products & services tabs and Hello to Showcase pages

“I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it is weird and scary to me. It happened to me, it’ll happen to you too.” – Abraham J Simpson Grampa Simpson wouldn’t have known that he was talking about the life of a Social Media manager but he pretty much was.  As soon as you get used to the workings of one platforms after it tweaks its processes, algorythms or associated electronic jiggery pokery, then another goes and changes it’s feathers too – in this case LinkedIn. For a

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Mobile phone showing Facebook

Turn the Page?

Another month so there must be another change to Facebook – and this one is more than simply moving the search bar from the right to the left of the screen. Facebook announced that its Pages are getting a new, more streamlined look but if you manage pages for your organisation or clients, you need to be across what is going to happen. The biggest change is that the timeline is going down from two columns to one, which means it’s goodbye to highlighted images and videos. Yes, they are making images slightly larger and introducing new fonts and icons,  but

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Doctors performing surgery

Three communications and engagement rules for CCGs

It’s new year and time for another brave new world for the NHS. Never mind patients waking up with a hangover, Government reforms will make 2014 a challenging year for GPs and others running the new-look NHS as CCGs, CSUs, NHS 111 and all sorts of other acronyms get to grips with their new roles at the heart of what is still the world’s best healthcare system*. With patient engagement and the input of friends and family increasingly important in helping shape the delivery of services around the country one of the biggest challenges for those in charge of the

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Wind turbines in the fog

Why comms, comms, comms should be the energy companies’ new year resolution

Being based up here in the sunny north east we have thankfully missed the worst of the flooding and power failures this festive season, but friends and colleagues round the country have suffered – our sympathies are with them in cleaning up what must be a horrendous mess. Picking up on the public and social media comment the most common complaint (as ever it seems) is all about the failure of companies to communicate with customers about what is happening and when it will be fixed. Why is this always the case, and do the alleged poor standards of customer

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Article from The Liverpool Post headlined '4,000 Mersey health jobs facing the axe'

Closure of Liverpool Post a warning shot for local newspapers

Trinity Mirror’s decision to completely close the 150+ year old Liverpool Post was a shock in December, but is surely a sign of further consolidation in the local newspaper sector in 2014. Not good news for journalists, newspaper readers or local democracy. All those local councilors who regularly blast their local media for “getting everything wrong” and misrepresenting them might start having different concerns if their local paper suddenly disappears. The challenge then for local authorities, as for companies, is to build their own networks online and communicate directly with residents and businesses. Many are ahead of the game – look at

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US Airways twitter post apologising for inappropriate image

US Airways Twitter aflutter!

US Airways have joined the long and growing list of organizations that have had some explaining to do after an inappropriate tweet or post appears on their account. You can

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Mobile phone showing Facebook

Turn the Page?

Another month so there must be another change to Facebook – and this one is more than simply moving the search bar from the right to the left of the

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Decorative geometric graphic
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